The Facebook Era: Used for business?

When I say Facebook, majority of the individuals know what I am referring to nowadays, but there are also the selected few that may not know what I'm talking about. To summarize, Facebook to me, is one of the largest communication networks out there today and the users range from children to grandparents. Personally, I have not used Facebook for professional business as of yet, but i have used in it my personal life to connect with friends, family, etc. Also, it has worked wonders in reminding me when people's birthdays are and upcoming events that i might want to attend, but the way that the social media is expanding, I think that in the near future i may be using it for that dream job or as simple as getting my resume out there with out leaving my house.

There are already sources that exist where it talks about a guide to using Facebook for professional business:
This website suggests things such as "growing your network" or "check your photo for consistency," which i agree with because if you have met people in your field of work, it possible that they may know and connect to many more people that share the same interest as you. I think when dealing with business or work, it is always a great idea to grow your network because at the end of the day it all about who you know and connections that you make with people that might land you that dream job. Who doesn't want that? I know i do! 

There are other benefits that Facebook can play in the professional business world such organizing information and relaying information to employers or employees, but it can also be a way to let those thousands and thousands of colleagues, managers, supervisors, etc. know that you exist. Facebook can allow people you associate with to put names to faces and I also agree with this classmate's blog post, where he states that it is useful for people to reference to you from your profile page. People may not want to ask you your name for the 100th time, so they can play it safe and just check out your profile page. Another benefit is that if i wanted to let my future colleagues know about interesting information or warn others to beware of my bad day, a post of Facebook will suffice.

So, cheers to Facebook for I will no longer be called "that employee," my name is LINDA check my profile!


Anonymous said...

Hey Linda,

I can totally relate to what you and Kelvin said! On more than one occasion I have used Facebook so that I could associate a name to that person I awkwardly say hi to...

I checked out your linked site: social media examiner and found a lot of really useful information on how to use facebook in a business setting, as to be honest, I am still a little unclear as how facebook serves as an effective network starter in terms of getting a job. One concern I have with promoting your facebook profile in a business setting, is spending the time to scrutinize your profile to remove those...distasteful photos and wall posts, the things which in my opinion make facebook fun and way to socialize with friends. of course such things may only be issues i deal with lol.

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