Introductory Post

Hello blogging world, my name is Linda Phan and this is the first time in my life that i have created a blog. A little about me is that right now i am a human ecology major but my goal is to transfer to the nutrition and food science major and do a minor in physical activity.

In the field of study that i am working towards, the role of communication is essential. Things such as networking with all nutrition resources (books, blogs, forums, websites, and even people) is important in that it provides a data base where information can be accessed readily even if you yourself do not have the answer.

It can help you be knowledgeable fast and share that knowledge with others. Another role of communication would be to spread the word of healthy diets or actions as opposed to unhealthy ones through social media. Word can travel at its fastest to reach those in needs. Lastly, the role of communication in this field of study is to promote your innovative ideas and health plans to people who can use it. If you can not communicate your idea across, it would be useless in that it will not produce an impact to the world around you.


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